Take Back the Reins and Drive Your Life As a Conscious Parent

Psychotherapy for parents who want to live a joyful, empowered life.

Currently available to NJ and NY residents

From anxiety and worry to sadness and depression, anger, irritability, poor self-esteem and conflict in relationships, the side effects of parenthood are not for the faint of heart.

For many new and expectant parents, the rapid changes of pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood exacerbate or trigger thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are difficult to manage. 

This is probably not what you expected! 

However, I’m here to tell you that there is another way to move through this stage of life.

There is a way to make the hard things feel a little bit easier, to feel more engaged in your relationships and goals, and to take back the reins and stay in the driver’s seat through all of the ups and downs that come with life and parenthood. 

There is a way to a happier, healthier you. And to get there, you need support, the right information, and guided reflection. 

I’m here to help you:

  • Establish a new internal foundation and translate it into actionable strategies that allow you and your family to thrive. 

  • Think about yourself more deeply so you can live your life with more levity, confidence, and joy.        

  • Resolve problematic thoughts, feelings, behaviors and relationship issues.


How It Works —

In my years of training and practice with psychodynamic, CBT, sensorimotor, and mindfulness-based psychotherapy, I’ve developed an integrated and holistic approach to customize your treatment in support of symptom resolution and freedom to pursue self-actualization.  

My approach

1—addresses barriers to happiness 2—builds skills to cope with ongoing difficulties, and 3—creates an opportunity to resolve the root of your distress in a process that is manageable and results oriented.

What You Can Expect

Initial Sessions

Our first few sessions focus on getting to know each other and creating a deeper understanding of your challenges. This includes gathering information about your history and any significant changes or symptoms that may indicate an underlying condition. We’ll also begin to look at your current wellness practices and routines, and create a plan to support you in implementing immediate behavioral changes to reinforce these foundations of health. Our goal is to find areas where you can create some shifts and find space to feel lighter right away.

Integration of Wellness Practices

Then, we’ll continue to weave in wellness practices and skills work to support improved mood and emotional regulation as we get deeper into your history and current stressors.

I believe that the more we can equip you with tools to manage your emotions, the better you’ll be able to cope with whatever feelings this process may bring up. And, you’ll have the strategies needed to quickly see the results you came here for.

Identification of Barriers & Influences

Once you begin to experience the benefits of increased insight and emotional management, you’ll be ready to dig into the influences and patterns that are subconsciously coloring your current experience, identifying those that may be acting as barriers to the life you want and working to flush them out of the way.

The Healing Process

Finally, putting together all the pieces, the path to your healing will come into focus and you’ll move forward from a place of confidence in yourself and your ability to live life on your terms.

Ready to See If Working Together is a Fit?

I welcome referrals from those in all life stages who seek support and personal growth as they move through periods of transition and stress, or who are pursuing treatment for underlying mood and anxiety disorders.

Schedule a free consultation call below